
Hello, and welcome to our Home!

Made at Home was established in April 2008 by freelance designer, Stuart Cadge. Made at Home is a small-scale design agency catering to your design needs, whatever they may be. Rather than specializing in one medium, we react to people, situations and events to create designs that reflect your lifestyle and particular needs. We believe that design solutions should be as varied and particular as you are.

We design small-scale architectural projects, products, furniture, 2D and 3D visualizations and temporary installations.

So, take a look around, make yourselves at home, and if there’s something we can do for you, let us know!

Monday 1 February 2010

Iraq War Memorial

A design for a permanent memorial to the 179 British service personnel killed in action during the Iraq conflict between 20th March 2003 to July 28th 2009.

The memorial design is based on a slab of solid limestone in the shape of the country of Iraq. The ‘western’ border of the slab is embedded into the ground, whilst the jagged ‘eastern’ border is exposed to the elements, representing the fragility of the country.

179 steel posts, providing strength and stability, support the entire slab.

A constant flow of water runs down across the slab, representing the course of the river Tigris, and creating a serene environment for contemplation and reflection.