
Hello, and welcome to our Home!

Made at Home was established in April 2008 by freelance designer, Stuart Cadge. Made at Home is a small-scale design agency catering to your design needs, whatever they may be. Rather than specializing in one medium, we react to people, situations and events to create designs that reflect your lifestyle and particular needs. We believe that design solutions should be as varied and particular as you are.

We design small-scale architectural projects, products, furniture, 2D and 3D visualizations and temporary installations.

So, take a look around, make yourselves at home, and if there’s something we can do for you, let us know!

Monday 31 March 2008

Manor Place Redevelopment/Kennington City Farm

An urban regeneration project entered into Southwark Council’s Cleaner, Greener, Safer Programme 2008-9. This ambitious project proposed gutting and redeveloping a row of abandoned retail units and transforming them into a brand-new, locally-run supermarket.

The proposal would also see the creation of a brand-new urban farm in neighbouring Pasley Park, which would be run in collaboration with the existing Walworth Garden farm, and local Primary schools.

The proposal would bring unused commercial space back into use, create jobs for local people, and improve social cohesion in the area.

Although not shortlisted, the proposal received support from the local Walworth Management Officer and a number of local residents.